HIBURAN Pada akhirnya, itu adalah acara non-event. Yang bagi beberapa orang menjadikannya acara yang sangat besar. Keputusan Bill Mahers untuk menjadi tuan rumah blogger kontroversial Milo Yiannopoulos di Real Time bersama Bill Maher di HBO Jumat menyebabkan hanya sedikit kembang api di udara. Maher berbicara dengan tamunya terutama tentang kebebasan berbicara, setuju dengan. Clyde Stubblefield, seorang drummer James Brown yang menciptakan salah satu jebakan drum yang paling banyak sampelnya, meninggal Sabtu. Dia berusia 73 tahun. Istrinya, Jody Hannon, mengatakan kepada Associated Press bahwa Stubblefield meninggal karena gagal ginjal sekitar siang hari di rumah sakit Madison, Wis. Dia sudah menderita ginjal. Robert Lloyd dan Kritik Televisi Dalam Crashing, serial baru yang manis yang dibuat oleh dan dibintangi oleh Pete Holmes, komedian tersebut memainkan versi sebelumnya dari dirinya sendiri, sebuah komik bercita-cita di bawah tanah yang pernikahannya terputus saat dia menangkap istrinya di tempat tidur dengan pria lain. Produser eksekutif Judd Apatow mengarahkan pilot tersebut, yang ditayangkan perdana hari Minggu. Setelah menjelajahi Amerika alternatif tahun 1960an, Stephen King dan J. J. Abrams bekerja sama lagi di Hulu untuk mencari tempat yang akrab bagi penggemar King. Partai-partai di balik seri terbatas 11.22.63, yang meninjau kembali pembunuhan Kennedy, bergabung dengan Castle Rock, sebuah seri antologi. Carolina A. Miranda Fly suit di atas panggung di Forum Mark Taper. Optimisme artistik yang abadi dari seorang pengungsi perang Hungaria. Dan komposer Inggris yang sedang membuat L. A. rumah keduanya. Im Carolina A. Miranda, staf penulis untuk Los Angeles Times, dan saya di sini dengan update mingguan Anda semua seni dan budaya terbaik. Baru di Blu-ray Manchester by the Sea (DVD Lionsgate, 29.95 Blu-ray, 39.99 juga tersedia di VOD) Jangan ditunda oleh semua deskripsi tentang Manchester yang dinominasikan oleh Oscar oleh Laut sebagai pelaut air mata yang melankolis. Ya, gambar ini diliputi oleh kesedihan dan ya, Casey Affleck memberikan. Konferensi Pengguna R Pengguna 2014 Berita Terbaru Tentang Konferensi Tanggal Penting Pendaftaran Halaman pendaftaran memungkinkan untuk membeli tiket konferensi sekaligus perumahan opsional di dalam kampus dalam satu memesan. Tutorial disertakan dengan tiket konferensi Campus housing UCLA telah membuat sejumlah asrama di kampus yang tersedia untuk para tamu konferensi untuk tinggal. Kamar-kamar ini dapat dibeli setiap malam bersamaan dengan tiket konferensi. Dua pilihan tersedia: satu kamar (pribadi) berharga 134,00 per malam, sedangkan kamar double (shared) adalah 87,00 per malam. Saat memilih kamar double, formulir pendaftaran akan meminta untuk memberi nama pengunjung konferensi lain bahwa Anda akan berbagi ruangan dengannya. Kami mengharapkan para tamu yang ingin berbagi kamar akan berinisiatif mencari pasangan kamar, namun panitia penyelenggara dapat memberikan bantuan jika dibutuhkan. Saat membeli di perumahan di kampus, harap periksa kembali apakah nilainya di menu tarik-turun Jumlah Nights sesuai dengan jumlah kotak centang yang dipilih. Sayangnya, bentuk vendor kami sepertinya tidak memverifikasi ini dan hanya biaya untuk jumlah malam yang dipilih di menu tarik-turun. Ini sedikit membingungkan tapi di luar kendali kita. Tentunya Anda hanya bisa menginap malam sebanyak yang Anda beli :-) Membayar dengan cek bisnis Jika institusi atau bisnis Anda mengizinkan Anda membayar dengan menggunakan dana mereka, mohon segera mengirimkan cek institusional atau bisnis untuk memastikan bahwa pendaftaran Anda selesai. Jika kantor kami tidak menerima cek pembayaran yang benar secara penuh sebelum 6114 atau jika tidak terhormat dengan cara apapun maka pendaftaran Anda akan dibatalkan tanpa pemberitahuan. Pembayaran penuh atas semua biaya diperlukan pembayaran beberapa biaya namun tidak ada yang menggunakan metode ini tidak diizinkan. Cek harus dilakukan dalam dolar AS hanya untuk Bupati Universitas California dengan bidang memo yang menyatakan pendaftaran UseR2014 untuk nama dan nomor tanda terima Anda. Alamat surat tersebut adalah UCLA Department of Statistics attn. J Valenzuela, Box 951554, 8125 Gedung Ilmu Pengetahuan Matematika, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1554 USA. Dengan memilih opsi Pay with institute check, Anda setuju untuk mengikuti persyaratan di atas secara lengkap. Pembicaraan yang Diundang John Chambers - Antarmuka, Efisiensi dan Data Besar Penggunaan R terus berkembang, terutama dalam jumlah dan keragaman paket yang menerapkan R ke berbagai sumber data dan teknik analisis. Pada saat bersamaan, statistik saat ini panas, terutama oleh implikasi dalam ilmu data dan data besar. Sehubungan dengan itu, fenomena ini telah merangsang minat untuk memperbaiki penggunaan R untuk aplikasi dengan tuntutan berat untuk komputasi dan ukuran data. Menanggapi secara bijaksana membutuhkan pemahaman model esensial dalam R untuk perhitungan dan data sebenarnya, konsep utama berjalan sampai awal S. Tantangannya telah berkembang dengan pesat, namun demikian memiliki pilihan dan alat potensial. Pembicaraan ini membahas berbagai pendekatan, dengan menggunakan beberapa contoh proyek terkini yang menjanjikan. Slide Martin Mchler - Praktik yang Baik dalam Pemrograman R Pada pertemuan penggunaan pertama di Wina pada tahun 2004, saya telah menyajikan tujuh pedoman untuk praktik pemrograman R yang baik yang saya sebut peraturan. Meninjau kembali, saya akan bertanya berapa banyak yang telah berubah - atau tidak. Ruang nama telah membawa lebih banyak pembenaran untuk menekankan fungsi sebagai bahan utama dari banyak kode R yang baik. Kami memiliki alat yang lebih banyak dan lebih baik untuk penelitian dan analisis data yang dapat direproduksi saat ini, dan sentuhan sedikit pada beberapa konsekuensi yang saya lihat untuk menggunakan kode organisasi Rs. Karena beberapa di antaranya adalah keahlian saya di dalam R Core, nah juga melihat beberapa aspek dari FAQ umum 7.31 dan apa yang setiap program harus mereka ketahui tentang aritmatika komputer. Dirk Eddelbuettel - R, C dan Rcpp Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, Rcpp telah menjadi alat utama untuk memperluas R dengan kode yang dikompilasi. Dalam pembicaraan ini, kita mulai dengan meninjau konteks penggunaan C di R. Selanjutnya, kita secara singkat menggambarkan kemudahan penggunaan, serta kekuatan Rcpp. Kami kemudian menilai pertumbuhan Rcpp, sebelum kami memberikan beberapa komentar mengenai ekosistem paket CRAN yang diambil dari pengalaman kami dengan Rcpp dan pengalaman kami dalam menyediakan komponen sistem pengemasan Debian Ubuntu. Slide David Diez - Pertarungan buku teks dimana perangkat lunak berhasil Penggunaan buku teks open source di kelas telah berjuang untuk mengimbangi adopsi perangkat lunak sumber terbuka dalam penelitian, seperti R. Ada permintaan yang kuat untuk sumber daya kursus seperti buku teks, Tapi adopsi pilihan open-source oleh instruktur sangat lambat. OpenIntro (openintro. org) telah menjadi salah satu tim yang mengembangkan ekosistem sumber daya kursus gratis untuk statistik pendahuluan. Bahas mengapa open source di kelas berbeda dengan perangkat lunak sumber terbuka. Berikan pertolongan pertama pada angka keras pada perkembangan OpenIntros (termasuk) dan Ill mendiskusikan bagaimana cara bergabung dalam gerakan pendidikan terbuka. Slide Karline Soetaert - Memecahkan persamaan diferensial di R R telah menjadi sistem analisis data statistik yang paling banyak digunakan, namun juga sesuai untuk disiplin ilmu lain dalam komputasi ilmiah. Salah satu bidang di mana kemajuan besar telah dicapai adalah solusi numerik dari persamaan diferensial. Persamaan diferensial adalah formalisme matematika yang mengekspresikan undang-undang konservasi mis. Energi, momentum, massa, dan biasanya digunakan dalam banyak teknik dan disiplin ilmiah. Beberapa paket R yang saya (co-) tulis: deSolve, rootSolve, bvpSolve dan ReacTran, memungkinkan untuk secara efisien memecahkan dan menganalisis berbagai macam persamaan diferensial deterministik. Mereka terdiri dari persamaan diferensial biasa, nilai awal dan nilai batas, persamaan diferensial aljabar, persamaan diferensial parsial dan persamaan diferensial penundaan. Dalam pembicaraan saya, saya akan menunjukkan bagaimana masalah persamaan diferensial dapat dipecahkan di R, bagaimana menghadapi masalah yang menantang secara numerik, bagaimana data eksternal dapat ditangani, bagaimana hasil dapat diplot, skenario yang berbeda dibandingkan. Jan de Leeuw dan Katharine Mullen - The Journal of Statistical Software: Past, Present, Future JSS didirikan pada tahun 1996. Di antara tujuan awalnya adalah mempromosikan penerbitan akses terbuka, mempromosikan perangkat lunak open source, dan mempromosikan Departemen Statistik UCLA yang baru. Selain itu kami ingin memungkinkan penulis perangkat lunak menerima kredit akademis untuk pekerjaan mereka. Sejak awal kami memutuskan model relawan murni, tanpa biaya keuangan untuk penulis atau pembaca, dan tidak ada penghargaan finansial untuk editor dan pengulas. Dalam presentasi ini kami meninjau kembali sejarah JSS, perkembangan dalam bentuk dan isinya, interaksinya dengan proyek R, dan masalah yang nyata dan yang diantisipasi dalam pengelolaannya. Slide Tahun ini tidak ada proses registrasi terpisah atau biaya tambahan untuk mengikuti tutorial. Tutorial disertakan dengan tiket konferensi. Tidak ada komputer yang disediakan untuk tutorial. Jika Anda ingin mengikuti dan menjalankan kode, sebaiknya bawa komputer Anda sendiri. Ternyata ruang konferensi hanya memiliki sedikit gerai listrik. Jika Anda ingin mengisi daya perangkat sepanjang hari, pertimbangkan untuk membawa kabel ekstensi atau strip daya, untuk berbagi outlet dengan pengguna lain. Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini. Morning Tutorials Senin, 9:15 Program Sosial Malam pembukaan Konferensi, 30 Juni, akan menampilkan resepsi anggur dan hors doeuvres di luar ruangan. Ini adalah kesempatan Anda untuk berbaur dengan dengan menjadi representasi internasional yang sangat luas dari pengguna R dari semua garis dan ukuran dan untuk bertemu pembicara konferensi dan anggota Komite Program dan Panitia untuk percakapan satu lawan satu. Tidak ada biaya tambahan untuk resepsi ini meskipun Anda harus terdaftar untuk diterima. Perjamuan Konferensi dijadwalkan pada malam tanggal 2 Juli. Acara ini akan menjadi acara asuhan terbuka dalam jarak berjalan kaki dari Pusat Konferensi. Acara ini memiliki biaya tambahan untuk setiap peserta di samping biaya pendaftaran Konferensi, namun terbuka untuk anggota keluarga dan anak-anak. Rincian lebih lanjut tentang Perjamuan ini, dan menunya, akan segera diposting di sini. Jika Anda memiliki minat untuk menyelenggarakan acara sosial tertentu selama Konferensi, silakan hubungi Panitia dengan rincian di dmcaatucla. edu sesegera mungkin. Kami akan mencoba untuk mengakomodasi semua permintaan, meskipun pembatasan tertentu berlaku. Setiap acara akan dijelaskan di ruang ini saat dikonfirmasi. Apakah menonton ruang ini erat. Pertemuan LA R: Tempat di Lingkungan Produksi Acara bersama pertemuan LA R dan konferensi R 2014 akan diadakan pada tanggal 1 Juli di pesta Ballroom Palisades dengan makanan, jaringan, obrolan dan panel. Wed ingin menyatukan LA dan komunitas R di seluruh dunia dalam acara ini gratis agar semua orang hadir. Mereka yang tidak menghadiri konferensi harus mendaftar di sini. (Tempat dan informasi parkir untuk peserta non-konferensi juga disertakan di sana.) Berkat pentingnya bisnis analisis data, R menemukan ceruk di lingkungan produksi perangkat lunak. Tapi peran ini bukan tanpa tantangannya. Kami adalah panel ahli industri yang menggunakan R dalam produksi. Kami akan memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana R cocok di perusahaan kami, menyoroti alat utama, dan mengidentifikasi kesenjangan di platform. Formatnya akan menjadi gambaran umum 20 menit yang diikuti oleh panel QAMA yang dimoderasi. Garis waktu: 6: 30-7: 30: makanan dan jaringan 7: 30-9: 00: pendahuluan, pembicaraan pembukaan, pertemuan panel LA R dan penggunaan tuan rumah R 2014: Szilrd Pafka. Chief Scientist, Epoch Opening mengucapkan sambutan: Yasmin Lucero, Senior Statistician, moderator Gravity-AOL Panel: Tareef Kawaf, Presiden, Panel Panel Panel: Pete Meyer, Statistik Kualitas Iklan Senior, Google Alex Toth, Insinyur Operasi, Gravitasi-AOL Ajay Gopal, Direktur Ilmu Data dan Analisis, KARTU Vladimir Ryzhov, Analis Game, Aktivision Hilary Parker, Analis Data, Moderator Etsy Pemirsa: Irina Kukuyeva, Ahli Biostatistik Senior, Sistem PICU Virtual Percakapan tentang Rs Gap Gender: Penggunaan Panel oleh: Stephanie A. Kovalchik , Skovalchrand. org Pada tahun ini menggunakan Konferensi R R di kampus Los Angeles yang indah di Los Angeles, untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah konferensi, sebuah acara dipusatkan pada kekurangan wanita di komunitas R. Panelnya diorganisir oleh diriku sendiri dan Gabriela de Quieroz, pendiri R-ladies. Dan termasuk kelompok mengesankan dari 5 pengembang wanita: Heather Turner. Konsultan statistik dan rekan penulis paket gnm dan gslcca Karline Soetaert. Kepala Departemen Studi Ekosistem, Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research dan penulis paket deSolve dan FME Amelia Mcnamara. Kandidat PhD di Statistik, UCLA Vivian Shangxuan Zhang. Pendiri CTOCo SupStat Inc, Pendiri Akademi Ilmu Data NYC Gabriela Queiroz. Pendiri R-ladies amp Data Scientist di Pembuat Panel Lab Data Alpine (Dari kiri ke kanan): Karline Soetaert, Heather Turner, Vivian Zhang, Amelia Mcnamara, Gabriela Queiroz Panel membahas sejumlah pertanyaan menantang sebelum audiens yang penuh sesak dari pria dan Penggunaan perempuanRs. Beberapa tampilan dari panel dan pemirsa dibagikan. Jika Anda melewatkan percakapan, saya ingin meringkas beberapa pertanyaan utama. Rs jeda gender. Panel dibuka dengan diskusi tentang usaha yang dibuat oleh Karline dan saya untuk memahami persentase wanita yang secara aktif menulis paket R. Perkiraan kami menunjukkan bahwa 10-15 paket saat ini pada CRAN telah ditulis oleh perempuan (lihat Gambar di bawah). Kurang jelas berapa banyak wanita yang menjadi pengguna R, dan ada seruan umum untuk penelitian agar mendapatkan statistik yang lebih akurat mengenai kesenjangan gender Rs. Tim Hesterberg menggambarkan sebuah studi yang dilakukan Google untuk memahami hambatan yang mungkin terjadi pada wanita yang menulis perangkat lunak. Temuan ini baru-baru ini diterbitkan sebagai sebuah laporan berjudul Women Who Choose Computer ScienceWhat Really Matters Laporan tersebut mengidentifikasi 1) dorongan sosial, 2) persepsi diri, 3) keterpaparan akademis, dan 4) persepsi karir sebagai faktor kunci yang dapat mengendalikan pilihan womens dalam karir. Dalam ilmu komputer Penting untuk menentukan apakah dan bagaimana faktor-faktor yang sama mempengaruhi kontribusi wanita terhadap R. Yang memiliki disiplin dalam komunitas R Panel ini membahas perpecahan antara representasi perempuan di bidang statistikbiostatistik dimana perempuan hampir sama dalam program pascasarjana, misalnya dan R masyarakat. Namun, ada yang berpendapat bahwa banyak pengguna R berasal dari ilmu komputer, bisnis, dan ilmu fisika, di mana ketidakseimbangan gender mungkin sebanding dengan ketidakseimbangan dalam komunitas R. Untuk lebih memahami bidang mana pengguna R wanita mungkin kurang terwakili, ada kebutuhan akan statistik tentang usia dan disiplin penggunaanR. Masyarakat. Semua panelis sepakat bahwa komunitas yang bergairah dan berdedikasi adalah salah satu hal yang mereka sukai dari bahasa tersebut. Dengan lebih banyak usaha untuk terhubung dengan pengguna R lainnya, hal itu dapat menjadi cara penting untuk mendorong keterlibatan wanita yang lebih besar dalam masyarakat. Mempersempit kesenjangan gender. Ada dua strategi utama yang dibuat panelis dan peserta untuk mempersempit kesenjangan gender Rs. Pertama, promosi dan iklan perangkat lunak R yang dikembangkan oleh perempuan. Kedua, lebih banyak upaya untuk membuat perempuan mengembangkan paket R. Kedua, penciptaan lebih banyak kesempatan bagi perempuan untuk belajar, menggunakan, dan mengembangkan R. Para panelis mengutip contoh-contoh seperti R-ladies dan upaya rekrutmen rOpenSci hackathons sebagai contoh inisiatif yang telah membantu pemrogram wanita untuk lebih terlibat dalam komunitas R. Kami berharap bahwa panelnya adalah katalis bagi upaya tambahan di seluruh masyarakat untuk mendorong lebih banyak perempuan untuk berkontribusi pada perkembangan berkualitas tinggi di R. Pertumbuhan CRAN secara historis mengikuti tingkat eksponensial sekitar 40 per tahun. Kami pikir pemrogram wanita bisa berbuat lebih baik, dan kami ingin menjadikannya tujuan kami untuk melihat paket tulisan perempuan tumbuh 50 dengan menggunakanR 2015. Makan di Los Angeles Jumlah restoran layanan penuh di daerah Los Angeles dekat dengan 10.000, mewakili ratusan gaya makanan yang berbeda. Sayangnya, Anda mungkin tidak memiliki cukup waktu untuk menikmati semuanya. Jika Anda tertarik untuk mencicipi sesuatu, Anda tidak pernah memiliki kesempatan untuk mencicipi sebelumnya atau hanya melewatkan makanan favorit Anda, kemungkinan besar makanan gastronomi tertentu akan tersedia di suatu tempat di daerah tersebut. Ada banyak sumber internet yang memberikan saran terperinci tentang masalah ini, seringkali dengan menu, harga dan foto yang tepat: cari frasa kata kunci untuk restoran pemula Los Angeles. Atraksi utama untuk keluarga Los Angeles terkenal di dunia karena kekayaan hiburannya. Website ini tidak bisa mulai melakukan keadilan terhadap berbagai hal baik yang ada di daerah ini. Pembaca didorong untuk mencari banyak sumber internet yang dikhususkan untuk topik ini: misalnya, cobalah frasa kata kunci seperti atraksi Los Angeles dan acara bebas Los Angeles. Hanya beberapa langkah dari Pusat Konferensi, UCLA adalah rumah Museum Fowler yang terkenal. Mengeksplorasi seni dan budaya global dengan penekanan pada karya-karya dari Afrika, Asia, Pasifik, dan Amerika dan sekarang. Tiket masuk gratis meski Museum tutup pada hari Senin dan Selasa. Beberapa menit berjalan kaki ke komunitas Westwood yang berdekatan adalah Museum Hammer. Sebuah institusi seni mutakhir kelas dunia yang unik yang menghubungkan klasik dan kontemporer melalui beragam koleksi, pameran luas, dan program provokatifnya. Tiket masuk gratis meski Museum tutup pada hari Senin. Dekat dengan kampus UCLA adalah Museum J. Paul Getty yang terkenal di dunia di Getty Center, yang menampung lukisan, gambar, patung, manuskrip, seni dekoratif, dan foto Eropa dan Amerika di manca negara yang spektakuler. Tiket masuk gratis meski Museum tutup pada hari Senin. Staf konferensi akan dengan senang hati memberikan peta kampus, peta area dan saran tentang atraksi di daerah sekitar dan di cekungan Los Angeles yang lebih besar. Meja Layanan Konferensi kami akan dipekerjakan penuh waktu selama Konferensi, di serambi utama Carnesale Commons. Abstrak Buku Buku disumbangkan abstrak tersedia disini. Lomba Visualisasi Data Kontes Data Kontes Emisi AKRR 2014. Ditulis oleh OECD, dirancang untuk menunjukkan potensi R untuk analisis dan visualisasi kumpulan data yang besar dan kompleks. Program untuk Penilaian Siswa Internasional (PISA) adalah sebuah studi di seluruh dunia yang dikembangkan oleh Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) untuk memeriksa keterampilan siswa sekolah berusia 15 tahun di seluruh dunia. Studi ini menilai matematika siswa, sains, dan kemampuan membaca dan berisi banyak informasi tentang latar belakang siswa, sekolah mereka dan organisasi sistem pendidikan. Bagi kebanyakan negara, sampelnya sekitar 5.000 siswa, namun di beberapa negara jumlahnya bahkan lebih tinggi. Secara total, dataset PISA 2012 berisi data 485 490 murid. Kontes ini menggambarkan beragam kemungkinan alat analisis dan visualisasi yang dapat digunakan dengan PISA dan bagaimana peserta dapat secara kreatif menggunakan kekuatan kumpulan data PISA di dua area yang luas: Track 1: Materi sekolah: pentingnya faktor sekolah dalam menjelaskan prestasi akademik. Track 2: Ketidaksetaraan dalam prestasi akademik. Semua pengiriman tersedia di sini. Di jalur 1 ada undian dua kiriman: 1. Dianne Cook (kepala sekolah), Luke Fostvedt, Ian Lyttle, Alex Shum dari Universitas Negeri Iowa. 2. Luke Fostvedt (kepala sekolah), Dianne Cook, Ian Lyttle, Alex Shum dari Iowa State University. Pemenang di jalur 2 adalah mahasiswa PhD Denis Willett. Klik pada gambar untuk menavigasi ke peta google dengan tempat-tempat menarik. Di ponsel, pastikan untuk membuka aplikasi Google Maps Engine (bukan Google Maps atau Browser). Kampus UCLA Pada tahun 2014, konferensi ini akan diadakan di Los Angeles, di University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA). Los Angeles adalah kota terpadat kedua di Amerika Serikat, mengikuti New York City. UCLA adalah satu dari dua universitas negeri asli di California, mengikuti UC Berkeley. Kampus universitasnya yang besar, dengan sekitar 40.000 siswa (30.000 mahasiswa, 10.000 mahasiswa pascasarjana) dan 4.000 anggota fakultas. Karena lokasinya di Los Angeles, UCLA telah banyak tampil di film dan acara TV. UCLA terletak sekitar tujuh mil dari samudera Pasifik, dan delapan mil dari Hollywood. Kami mengetahui bahwa GoogleEarth memiliki visi yang sangat menyimpang dari aula pertemuan Carnasale Commons, dan bahwa GoogleStreetView dan Bing Maps benar-benar menampilkan ketinggalan jaman yang menunjukkan konstruksi besar. Kami dapat meyakinkan Anda tanpa syarat bahwa aula yang hampir baru selesai dan dalam kondisi struktural sangat halus. Dibangun di atas bukit yang cukup curam, sehingga pintu masuk di sisi timur bangunan, di Charles Young Drive, sebenarnya adalah 3 tingkat di bawah aula utama, dan pintu masuk paling atas berada di jalan di DeNeve Drive dan Sunset Commons. Semua kegiatan Konferensi akan berlangsung dan segera di sekitar tempat ini. Lihat di peta kampus interaktif dan cari Carnasale. Ramalan cuaca Temperatur yang diproyeksikan selama Konferensi berlangsung pada sasaran dengan nyaman di tahun 80an F di siang hari dan pertengahan 60an F di malam hari (misalnya 27C hai 18C lo) dengan kelembaban rendah. Presipitasi tidak diramalkan saat ini, mungkin sesekali kabut pantai. Suhu rata-rata di sekitar langsung selama konferensi diharapkan menjadi sangat nyaman 73 derajat Fahrenheit (23 derajat Celcius). Di tempat lain di Los Angeles yang lebih besar pada periode yang sama kita mengantisipasi 79 derajat Fahrenheit (26 derajat Celcius). Siang hari berlangsung 14,5 jam (layar matahari dianjurkan saat Anda berada di luar pintu). Malam akan dingin sampai sekitar 63 F (17 C). Jaket ringan atau sweater harus lebih dari cukup pada malam hari. Meskipun cuaca di seluruh dunia akhir-akhir ini tidak stabil, kita dapat menyatakan bahwa probabilitas curah hujan rata-rata selama Konferensi diperkirakan hanya 4. Kelembaban relatif biasanya agak lembab, jarang turun di bawah 48 (nyaman), atau melebihi 95 ( Sangat lembab). Kecepatan angin khas bervariasi dari 0 mph sampai 14 mph (angin tenang sampai sedang). Rekreasi Termasuk dalam pendaftaran Konferensi berbayar Anda adalah penerimaan secara individual untuk semua fasilitas rekreasi kampus UCLA. John Wooden Center dan Sunset Canyon Recreation Center termasuk kolam renang, ruang berat, lapangan tenis, lapangan tenis dan lapangan bola tangan. Izin parkir diperlukan setiap saat untuk semua kendaraan yang diparkir di kampus. Biayanya Rp 12,00 per kendaraan per hari. Kendaraan tanpa izin tunduk pada tiket dan penarik. Anda dapat membeli izin parkir di kios parkir kampus pada saat kedatangan, atau di kios interaktif di dalam garasi parkir. Untuk melihat semua garasi dengan kios interaktif, lihat peta ini. Kios parkir utama terletak di Westwood Blvd dekat Strathmore Pl. Dan garasi parkir terdekat ke fasilitas konferensi diberi label SV dan dan RC di peta kampus utama. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang parkir, lihat situs parkir kampus. Kebijakan merokok UCLA adalah lingkungan bebas-rokok. Penggunaan rokok, cerutu, tembakau kunyah dan semua produk tembakau lainnya termasuk rokok elektronik dilarang di kampus UCLA dan di situs yang dimiliki atau disewa oleh universitas. Penggunaan tembakau dan paparan asap rokok tetap menjadi penyebab utama penyakit dan kematian yang dapat dicegah di seluruh dunia, Kanselir UCLA telah mencatat dalam sebuah surat terbuka tentang perubahan kebijakan baru-baru ini. UCLA bergabung dengan ratusan perguruan tinggi dan universitas di seluruh negeri yang telah mengadopsi kebijakan bebas tembakau atau bebas asap rokok. Kebijakan alkohol Semua peserta harus mematuhi undang-undang dan kebijakan universitas mengenai kepemilikan dan konsumsi minuman beralkohol. Memiliki wadah terbuka atau terlihat di mana saja kecuali di dalam ruangan tempat pintu ditutup (untuk tamu berusia di atas 21 tahun) atau pada acara pemberian UCLA sangat dilarang. Semua peraturan yang mengatur zat-zat yang dikendalikan dan kepemilikan alat peraga untuk penggunaan zat-zat terkontrol yang dimaksudkan atau tersirat diamati secara penuh. Kebijakan pelecehan PenggunaanR2014 di UCLA didedikasikan untuk memberikan sebuah konferensi yang bebas dari pelecehan untuk semua orang, terlepas dari jenis kelamin, identitas dan ekspresi gender, orientasi seksual, kecacatan, penampilan fisik, ukuran tubuh, ras, usia atau agama. Kami tidak mentolerir pelecehan peserta konferensi dalam bentuk apapun. Pelecehan mencakup komentar verbal ofensif terkait gender, identitas gender dan ekspresi, orientasi seksual, kecacatan, penampilan fisik, ukuran tubuh, ras, agama, citra seksual di ruang publik, intimidasi yang disengaja, menguntit, mengikuti, melecehkan fotografi atau rekaman, gangguan yang berkelanjutan Pembicaraan atau kejadian lainnya, kontak fisik yang tidak tepat, dan perhatian seksual yang tidak diinginkan. Bahasa atau citra seksual tidak sesuai untuk pembicaraan, poster, pameran peserta pameran, atau acara sosial dan makan. Pelanggar dapat dikenai sanksi, termasuk diusir dari konferensi tanpa pengembalian dana, dengan pertimbangan penuh dari Komite Penyelenggara Konferensi. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, sumber daya, dan kebijakan resmi mengenai topik ini, lihat situs web UCLA. Area Sunset Commons akan memiliki check-in penginapan dan akses ke ruang makan utama. Layanan penginapan buka 24-jam setiap hari check-in kapan saja setelah jam 4 sore. Jika Anda telah terdaftar untuk Konferensi namun belum memastikan pengaturan penginapan Anda, sekarang saatnya untuk mengunjungi kembali situs web Konferensi utama di user2014.stat. ucla. edu. Kembali ke hyperlink penginapan pendaftaran yang sama yang pertama kali Anda kunjungi, lewati pendaftaran dan langsung pindah ke pilihan kamar dan tanggal Anda. Mohon gunakan nama dan alamat email yang sama seperti saat pertama kali mendaftar. Kamar yang dikutip atas dasar per orang. (Kami menyesal untuk mengatakan bahwa tarif Konferensi khusus di hotel-hotel di luar peserta lokal tidak lagi tersedia bagi pendatang baru). Bagi Anda yang memilih untuk tidak tinggal di kampus, tiket makan tersedia untuk pembelian di meja layanan penginapan. Sekali lagi, pengingat cepat: tidak ada parkir gratis di manapun di kampus, dan karena pembatasan parkir diberlakukan dengan ketat di semua jalan di dekatnya, tolong rencanakan untuk parkir di tempat kampus hanya dengan izin parkir UCLA yang tepat yang dapat dibeli dari Kios parkir setiap hari Jarak terdekat dengan Pusat Konferensi adalah Lot SV. Perlu diketahui bahwa Penyelenggara Konferensi hanya memiliki sedikit atau tidak memiliki kendali atas lalu lintas di Los Angeles meskipun telah mencoba. Saat Anda merenungkan penginapan, Anda mungkin juga memikirkan Perjamuan Konferensi pada malam tanggal 2 Juli. Tiket tersedia untuk pembelian melalui hyperlink penginapan pendaftaran yang sama, dan akan terbuka hanya bagi mereka yang telah membeli tiket Perjamuan terlebih dahulu. Tempat duduk masih tersedia saat ini. Perumahan Kampus UCLA menawarkan kamar-kamar modern yang dilengkapi AC, TV kabel, koneksi internet kecepatan tinggi nirkabel gratis, telepon di kamar, dua tempat tidur kembar, kamar mandi pribadi atau kamar mandi bersama antara dua kamar, dan layanan tata graha harian. Akomodasi berlokasi dekat dengan ruang pertemuan dan fasilitas makan yang besar. Ada layanan meja depan 24-jam untuk check-in, pesan, dan informasi. Semua kamar bebas-rokok. Sejumlah kamar tidur yang ditunjuk juga memenuhi persyaratan orang Amerika dengan Disabilities Act (ADA). Kamar yang dapat diterima untuk penyandang cacat akan disediakan dengan biaya yang sama seperti kamar-kamar yang dikontrak oleh Konferensi. Untuk memastikan bahwa kamar tertentu disediakan, kirimkan email sebelum 6914 kepada dmcaatucla. edu yang menjelaskan kebutuhan setiap peserta penyandang cacat agar UCLA Conference Services dapat diinformasikan. Kewajiban Penyelenggara Konferensi adalah memastikan bahwa program dilakukan sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat diakses oleh semua penyandang cacat. Tamu yang membawa komputer mereka sendiri dapat mengakses Internet secara langsung melalui port Ethernet di kamar tidur mereka. Untuk mengakses Internet, para tamu harus memiliki kartu Ethernet pada perangkat lunak komputer mereka. Jika para tamu tidak memiliki kartu Ethernet mereka sendiri, mereka dapat membelinya melalui Covel Business Center yang terletak tepat di seberang Sunset Village. Setiap kamar tidur dilengkapi dengan telepon yang memungkinkan akses gratis ke perpanjangan kampus UCLA, dengan akses gratis ke panggilan lokal dalam radius tertentu di kampus. Untuk melakukan panggilan jarak jauh dan lokal, para tamu harus menggunakan kartu panggil telepon prabayar. Kartu telepon tersedia untuk dijual di meja depan setiap fasilitas perumahan Semua akomodasi dijual dengan dasar paket dan mencakup kamar, makanan sehari-hari, dan penggunaan fasilitas rekreasi berkualitas UCLA Olympic. Makanan adalah semua-Anda-peduli-untuk-makan. Universitas California Los Angeles adalah fasilitas bebas asap rokok. Dekat Hotel Diskon tarif konferensi telah dinegosiasikan dengan beberapa hotel berkualitas tinggi di daerah Westwood termasuk yang berikut ini: Westwood (W Hotels). Tarif konferensi khusus untuk Suite Spektakuler Queen. Di tengah desa westwood, dekat restoran lokal, pertokoan dan bar. Parkir 38.50. Tidak ada layanan antar-jemput. Berjalan kaki dari konferensi 1,3 mil di seberang kampus, cukup berat bagi pejalan kaki karena beberapa bukit. Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel. Harga konferensi khusus 185 untuk kamar Superior, 229 untuk suite. Parkir adalah 18 layanan antar jemput akan tersedia. Jarak dari konferensi 1.2 mil, sulit bagi pejalan kaki karena bukit dan lalu lintas jalanan. Hotel Angeleno. Harga konferensi khusus untuk 159 hunian tunggal atau ganda. Parkir gratis dan antar-jemput. Jarak dari konferensi 1.3 mil, sulit bagi pejalan kaki karena bukit dan lalu lintas jalanan. Royal Palace Westwood Harga konferensi khusus 159 untuk tempat tidur queen tunggal, 169 untuk tempat tidur king tunggal, 179 untuk dua tempat tidur. Parkir gratis, tidak ada layanan antar-jemput. Jarak dari konferensi 2,3 mil, cukup berat bagi pejalan kaki karena bukit dan konstruksi. Jika Anda memilih untuk memesan kamar di salah satu fasilitas bagus ini, hubungi kantor mereka secara langsung karena harga internet mungkin atau mungkin tidak mencerminkan tarif konferensi diskon. Semua harga di atas dikenakan pajak kamar hotel 14, seperti juga semua hotel dan motel di daerah ini. Jika Anda memilih untuk tinggal di salah satu tempat ini atau beberapa lusin lainnya di daerah Westwood, Santa Monica, Culver City atau Beverly Hills yang mengelilingi kampus UCLA, mohon berhati-hati saat memetakan keseluruhan rencana perjalanan Anda sebagai pola lalu lintas dalam hal ini. Daerah perbukitan bisa sangat terkenal. Hal ini terutama terjadi pada saat jam sibuk yang terjadi selama lebih dari satu jam beberapa jam setiap hari. Apa yang mungkin muncul sebagai pesiar yang mudah di peta area dalam dua dimensi dapat menimbulkan tantangan tak terduga bagi orang yang tidak waspada. The UCLA campus is currently undergoing substantial construction and even the most current maps may not show necessary walking and driving detours. Do also note that daytime parking at the Conference will be charged, that meals are available for purchase at the Conference Center through their meal ticket system (all meal tickets purchased on an individual basis are subject to the 9 California Sales Tax). Numerous restaurants can found throughout the region, and many other amenities are available in both the immediate vicinity and across the greater Los Angeles area. If this is your first visit to Los Angeles, do explore local travel agents in your hometown as well as the internet for further information. Travel Information The most convenient airport for accessing UCLA is the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). From LAX, a variety of transit options are available. For 10 may we recommend the Flyaway Non-Stop Bus Service to and from LAX. A shuttlebus is available hourly, with drop-off at the edge of the UCLA campus, approximately a 20-minute walk to the Conference Center. To see where the FlyAway drops off, see the interactive campus map. Search for Carnesale Commons (the conference facility) and Parking Structure 32 (where the FlyAway drops off) for more details. When catching the FlyAway, be careful to choose the shuttle labeled Westwood as there are several other destinations serviced by other FlyAway shuttle busses. Besides flyaway, numerous other commercial shuttles, taxi and car rental services are available around the clock at LAX. The approximate fare from LAX to Carnasale Commons at UCLA is 50. When arriving at the international section of your arrival airport, please note that you may be subject to delays in clearing United States Customs. We are informed that the average time required by Customs and Immigration is between 1 to 2 hours (and this process often may be longer) before you are permitted to leave the secure area. While the principal airport serving this area is LAX, one can also enter the area conveniently by way of Bob Hope International Airport (BUR) located in Burbank, approximately a half-hour drive from UCLA. An additional airport is Long Beach Airport (LGB). a little over a half-hour drive from UCLA. Both are serviced by numerous shuttles and taxis. If you are arriving at Los Angeles International Airport, Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, or Long Beach Airport, taxi drivers all know how to get to the UCLA Medical Center, which is located a bit south of the Conference location. Your best bet is to study the interactive campus map before your arrival so you can direct your driver up to the Sunset Commons area if needed. Note that commercial shuttle buses go towards UCLA, but the drop-off point will require a several minutes up-hill walk to the Conference location. If you are arriving by car, be sure to take the Wilshire East exit from the 405 Freeway. Studying your map in advance of coming upon this exit can prove very helpful Those arriving through international customs should prepare themselves for a wait that can extend several hours. We understand that you will be requested to submit the customs declaration form even if you have nothing to declare. Only one customs declaration form is required per family. The paper form I-94W(arrivaldeparture record) for authorized travelers from nations participating in the Visa Waiver Program(VWP), with an approved Electronic System for Travel Authorization(ESTA), has been eliminated, according to our sources. Requirements for Talks Abstracts accepted for talks will take place during oral sessions. Each talk is allowed 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions and answers. If your talk has been accepted, please register as soon as possible, and contact us if you will not be able to attend. If the first author of the talk cannot attend, but another co-author or someone else can present on the first authors behalf, that is fine. If you like, you can contact us to let us know, or simply present the talk and note at the beginning of your presentation that you are not the first author but are presenting the talk. Regrettably, the Conference Organizing Committee is not in position of supplying any personal computers at any time, so if you choose to attend with computer in hand, do bring your own fully-charged portable. Do please recognize that the number of available power outlets in any given meeting room is very limited, so we will not be able to supply you 110 volts while in talks and sessions your own lodgings are the best source for that battery recharge overnight each night. As a precaution do kindly place some clear form of ID on both your machine and your charging brick there will be lots of look-alikes. We and UCLA cannot be responsible for loss or theft. Each Conference meeting room will be equipped with a Mac desktop running OS10.6 and linked to a projector. Each of those will be pre-loaded with the most recent release of R and with a pdf viewer. Those among you who are presenting will need to know that while Microsofts Powerpoint may once have been considered the epitome of fine conference software, selected upgrades and so forth have rendered many such files only partially compatible with existing installations. So Powerpoint will not be offered. Instead, kindly make sure that you have your materials on a pdf file, loadable directly from your own USB 2.0 thumb drive. Note too that not every thumb drive is recognized by a Mac, especially encrypted or password-protected files or materials on USB 3.0. You would do well to establish full compatibility with a Mac before you leave for the conference. Some of you may already have OS10.7 or Mavericks experience but we have not seen fit to upgrade as of yet for many reasons. Windows users: know that we indeed share your pain but cannot automatically say that your Windows materials will display perfectly in the Mac environment so you too will need to provide an unencrypted unpassworded pdf file that we strongly recommend you try it out on a Mac locally before traveling. For those presenters whose materials absolutely must include stunning visuals andor videos andor sound, youre best to prepare thoroughly in advance with a fully-charged portable that you can personally hook directly to the rooms projector. We cannot promise to have sufficient staff on hand to troubleshoot at the time of actual need. For presenters who need to download additional R packages for your materials to work properly, we are counting on you to have made all those arrangements in advance of the moment you stand up to present (. and that youll be explicit about use of those packages with your audience). Speaking of audiences, do please keep your jokes clean and your acronyms spelled out at all times we will have people in attendance from 32 different countries Requirements for Posters Abstracts accepted for posters will take place during one of two evening poster sessions. Poster sessions are a social event. There are no parallel talks or events happening, so everyone can talk and stop by posters they are interested in. The dimensions of each poster should not exceed 4 x 4 or 120cm x 120cm. News and Announcements Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) PARENT WORKSHOPS PIQE begins on Tuesday, January 31st. Kami mengadakan sesi pagi pukul 08.30 dan sore hari pukul 06.00. Silakan lihat brosur terlampir untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Survei Pengalaman Sekolah untuk Orang tua Orangtua, Fairfax akan menyukai pendapat Anda tentang sekolah kami. Survei Pengalaman Sekolah dikirim pulang pada tanggal 20 Januari. Silakan kembali menyelesaikan survei ke Parent Center, atau lengkapi survei secara online. Klik judul di atas untuk informasi lebih lanjut. 50-TAHUN REUNION - Winter amp Kelas Musim Semi 67 Reuni 50 Tahun pada hari Minggu, 28 Mei 2017. Kirimkan alamat email Anda ke reunifairfax67. Fairfax67 Judul IX Manajer Kepatuhan Silahkan menghubungi Kantor Komunikasi dan Hubungan Media di halaman komunikasi atau telepon 213-241-6766 untuk meminta akses ke atau memberitahukan LAUSD tentang informasi atau fungsi online yang saat ini tidak dapat diakses. Untuk mengajukan keluhan formal ke Los Angeles Unified School District, di bawah Bagian 504 dan Judul II, silakan klik di sini untuk mengetahui caranya. Feb 23 8 AM ndash 9 AM Parent Passport Meeting 8-9AM - RM 101 Ice Cream Social - TLC Student Recognition Lunch (Stage) ILT Meeting 3:15 PM (Library) Coffee with the Principal Dru the Olympian - Motivational SpeakerInformation Technology Services Phishing and Spam Alerts What is E-mail Spam and Phishing E-mail spam are messages sent to many people, often simultaneously, that either contain web links to Internet websites that host malware or contain executable malware within the message designed to infect the computer when opened. These messages are also called junk e-mail. Phishing is the term for messages sent to individuals via e-mail or text message with the intent to fool unsuspecting recipients into providing personal information, such as user names, passwords and financial account information. They often employ social engineering tactics by creating messages that appear to be legitimate. These messages can also lure individuals to malware-hosting websites. Spear phishing differs from phishing in that it targets a specific department, division or college, seeking unauthorized access to protected information. These messages allegedly come from IT support staff or other professionals in a position of authority from within the targeted department, division or college. As with phishing, these e-mails will attempt to trick users into divulging personal or financial information, or their credentials, or entice them into clicking on a link that could install malware on the computer. ITS provides this website to help campus users identify illegitimate messages. The samples below are actual messages that are currently, or were previously, circulated on our campus. If you have any questions related to the legitimacy of an e-mail message that you have received, please contact the ITS Help Desk at helpdeskcalstatela. edu or call them at 323-343-6170 Other Resources: February 4, 2017 February 4, 2017 Your University E-mail account will be shutdown due to several negligence of emails regarding mailbox upgrade. To avoid this please click HERE and verify your Tulane email account. February 3, 2017 We have reasons to believe that your account has been violated and access by a third party. Please click HERE and verify your Mailbox to avoid deactivation. Warm Regards, January 24, 2017 January 23, 2017 Your Password Expires Today. You are hereby directed to click on ITS HELP-DESK to update your password to continue with your mailbox and follow instructions. We advise that your mailbox password be update immediately. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a loss of access to your Webmail account. Kindly use the link above to complete your Web-mail User authentication form. NOTE: JUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION VIA THE ITS HELP-DESK. Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved January 19, 2017 Dear customer, check your money balance at this link . And be sure to check Your Bank Verification Status. - Regards, Rainer Fischer Chief Technical Officer Money System Support 19.01.2017 15:35:59 December 22, 2016 Feburary 21, 2016 Warning. You are currently operating at 99 of your mail box quota. You need to upgrade your email limit quota to 2GB within the next 48 Hours to enable you store and receive large numbers of emails in your Mailbox. Use the below web link to upgrade to 5GB: You might not be able to send or receive new mail until you re-validate your mailbox . CLICK HERE NOW TO RE-VALIDATE YOUR MAIL BOX Security Alert Office. Thanks for your anticipated co-operation, Upgrade Team. Feburary 10, 2016 There has been an automatic security update on your email address. CLICK HERE here to complete update Please note that you have within 24 hours to complete this update because you might lose access to your Email Box. Thanks Frances O. Txxxx For IT Helpdesk Feburary 4, 2016 Dear Account Users It has come to our notice that there have been lot of spamming email receive from an unknown identify email senders requesting you for your email information, To prevent email virus infection you are advised to Re-activate your email account with the help line Re-activation link below, by clink on the link for reactivation. If unable to click the link, you are advised to copy and paste it in a new browser. Failure to do so immediately will lead to suspension of your email account. (c) 2016 admin. IT Support Team. Feburary 3, 2016 From: Richard J Cxxxx rjcxxxxysu. edu To: Subject: CALIFORNIA STATE LA UNIVERSITY. Closing amp Deleting Your Account in Progress THERE IS A RECENT UPGRADE IN ALL (CAL STATE LA MAILBOX) TO PROTECT YOU FROM UNAUTHORIZED USERS. WE GIVE JUST 24hrs TO VERIFY. CLICK HERE TO VERIFY amp UPDATE YOUR ACCOUNT NOW Thank You, CAL STATE LA UNIVERSITY TEAM. OUTLOOK. Message Sent from CALIFORNIA STATE LA UNIVERSITY Office365 Feburary 3, 2016 Dear Client, Robby Mxxxx We are sorry but your package cant be processed at this time as the good that you wanted is not available at our warehouse. Our sales agent will write you the moment it becomes available for purchase again. We are very for your work with us and hope that you will be choosing our online shop again in the near time. The document enclosed contains the useful info about the refund as well as the details regarding the order cancellation. January 26, 2016 From: California State University To: Recipients Subject: Please verify your Address and Emergency Contact Information Please verify your Address and Emergency Contact Information California State University is required to maintain updated address and emergency contact information for all students and facultystaff. This information is maintained for your benefit so that University Officials will be able to contact you or someone on your behalf in the event of an emergency situation. Please take a moment now to review your personal and emergency contact information using the link LINK REMOVED If you attempt to use your account before completing this process your account will be on hold. Please take a few moments now to review your information and make updates if necessary. The process is simple and can be completed in 5 minutes or less. Thank you for your help in this important matter. California State University. January 12, 2016 Good Day, Dear calstatela. edu User, We Welcome you as you resume your 2016 Acedemic section, Update Announcements, Your Edu Account has been Sign in from a strange location with IP Address:, And Due to high rate of PHISHINGHACKERS using this webmail for sending FRAUDULENT mails, Our records indicate you are no longer our current user. Therefore, your account has been scheduled for deletion on this Month of JANUARY, 2016. As part of this process, your account, files, email address messages etc, will be deleted. To Retail Your Account. You are required to reply with your valid USER NAME and PASSWORD. to ensure Your account remains active and subscribed, Otherwise this account will be De-activated within the next 72hours starting from now. December 16, 2015 November 23, 2015 Hey there I noticed your website today Mon, 23 Nov 2015 and found it very appealing. I was hoping there was any possibility of internship or unpaid trial period, just to prove my competence. As you will see in my attached resume, I am very qualified and have a very broad experience in this type of work. I am very confident it will be worth your time reading it, and I am even more confident you will find me very fitting in your business. Please see my resume. I am very much looking forward to hearing from you. Faithfully yours, Jadwiga Hxxxx November 18, 2015 Dear Account User, This is an automatic security update to inform you that we are having congestion on our email database because your Mailbox has exceeded the maximum storage limit of 10GB and your 72hours grace period has expired. You are advice to immediately re-validate your email account and failure to do so within 24 hours might result to temporarily account suspension and you might not be able to gain access into this account from your next log-in. Re-validate to Avoid Account Deactivation. Terima kasih. Team Security Copyright 2015 All rights reserved. November 9, 2015 Due to the recent upgrade in our SSL server to serve you better, Please note that all users are mandated to update their login details in other to enjoy the new upgrade to Outlook 2015. You would be blocked from sending and receiving emails if not confirmed within 24hrs of receiving this automated mail. You are required to login and update through the link below. November 6, 2015 We have safeguarded your account, there is a possibility that someone other than you is attempting to login your account. As part of our ongoing commitment to provide the best protection to all our customers security. We therefore ask you to fill in your online data correctly, in other for us to update the settings in your account, by click or copy past this link on your browser: Your security is our priority. Andrea Mxxxx Copyright 2015 All rights reserved Division of Information Technology Oct 26, 2015 Hello A former collegue of mine gave me your email. He was confident you would be very glad to read my resume. After looking through your homepage and seeing what it is you guys do, Im also quite sure you will not be disappointed. Im attaching my resume for you to read. Im truly looking forward to hearing back from you. Best regards. Brion CXXXXX October 5, 2015 From: Outlook IT Helpdesk To: Recipients Subject: Urgent Security Update Dear Account User, This is an automatic security update to inform you that we are having congestion on our email database and we advise you to update your email address by Clicking HERE to complete update on your mailbox. Failure to do so within 24 hours might result to temporarily account suspension and you might not be able to gain access into your Email account from your next log-in. Please update to avoid account deactivation. Outlook IT Helpdesk. October 5, 2015 To our valued customer: Your weekly staffing service invoice is attached. We appreciate your prompt payment. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions. To ensure you continue to recieve important email from Penmac Staffing. Thank you for your continued business Lubowitz, Donnelly and Haag Grocery, Jewelery, Kids, Garden amp Beauty 667-355-6803 October 5, 2015 Dear User, Your password will expire in 24 hours Click on: Staff and Faculty to validate your e-mail. September 28, 2015 Please check out your latest account documents. Orlando Chxxxxx Level III Security Officer 817-213-3075 office 817-711-6329 cell Orlando. Chxxxxxrbc CONFIDENTIAL NOTICE: The contents of this message, including any attachments, are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the person or entity to whom the message was addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please be advised that any dissemination, distribution, or use of the contents of this message is strictly prohibited. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender. Please also permanently delete all copies of the original message and any attached documentation. Terima kasih. September 25, 2015 From: American Express jsxxxxxbarstow. edu To: Subject: Important Information About Your Card Membership Information Attachments: AmericanExpressPrecaution. html September 23, 2015 We detected irregular activity on your American Express Check Card on 23th September, 2015. As the Primary Contact, you must verify your account activity before you can continue using your card, and upon verification, we will remove any restrictions placed on your account. To review your account as soon as possible please. Please click on the link below to verify your information with us: For your security, new charges on the accounts listed above may be declined. If applicable, you should advise any Additional Card Member(s) on your account that their new charges may also be declined. We appreciate your prompt attention to this important matter. Terms of Service Privacy Statement Card Agreements All users of our online services subject to Privacy Statement and agree to be bound by Terms of Service. Silahkan baca. Copyright 2012 American Express, Inc. All rights reserved September 22, 2015 Recently, there were too many unsuccessful attempts to access your email and your user ID was disabled. Please click here to protect your accounts online. September 21, 2015 Access to your email is about to expire, we recommend that you revalidate your account to avoid been suspended, Click Revalidate to update your account. September 21, 2015 Hey there. I noticed your website today Mon, 21 Sep 2015 and found it very inviting. I was hoping there was any possibility of internship or unpaid trial period, just to prove my competence. As you will see in my attached resume, I am very qualified and have a very large experience in this line of work. I am very confident it will be worth your time reading it, and I am even more confident you will find me very adequate in your corporation. Please see my attached resume. I am very much looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you, KATHLEEN Bxxxxx August 5, 2015 Dear California State University Account User, This urgent update is from administrator server office. We have been monitoring your email account through our servers log file and have noticed that this account is been accessed from different distinct location and also been used to send out spam messages as against our policy, for security purpose we will be shutting down this Account unless you click link below in order to re-validate your mailbox for verification, If unable to click the link, you are advised to copy and paste it in a new browser. Thank you for using our email. Mail System Administrator Copyright 2015 email account upgrade. July 29, 2015 April 22, 2015 For your own Security, We are having a system Re-activation for all staff. Your password will expire within 24hrs Click on: faculty and staff email to validate your e-mail Thank you amp note this is secured Please consider the environment before printing this email - This message was sent via the facilities of Stenden The Netherlands. This e-mail message is only intended for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential information or material. Use by any third parties is not permitted. Discussion, retransmission, distribution or any other use of this information, or taking action on the basis thereof by other parties than the intended recipient, is forbidden barring explicit permission of the sender. If you have received this information in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from your computer(s). In view of the electronic transmission no rights may be derived from the contents of this message. - April 14, 2015 Your two incoming mails were placed on pending status due to the recent upgrade in our data base, In order to receive the messages kindly click: HERE Login with your correct Webmail informations and wait for responds from our data base service. We apologize for any inconvenience and do appreciate your understanding. Thank You, The Microsoft account team. April 12, 2015 This is an automatic message by system to let you know that you have to confirm your account information. and this means that you will not be able to send and receive new email messages. This is because of the on-going yearly CSULA PORTAL web maintenance and deleting of inactive account. CLICK HERE NOW TO RE-VALIDATE YOUR CSULA PORTAL MAIL BOX Security Alert Office. Thanks for your anticipated co-operation, Upgrade Team. April 7, 2015 Dear User. Your Webmail Quota Has Exceeded the set quotalimit. Click here to increase your mailbox size. Alternatively copy and paste this link ( chxexvxgxiftwebmailquotaemailWE ) on your browser, Failure to do so and validate your quota may result in Lost of Important information in your mailbox or cause limited access to It. Terima kasih. System Administrator March 26, 2015 From: California State University rlxxxxmail. wctc To: Undisclosed recipients Subject: 2015 Trustees of the California State University Update your California State University e-mail access point, To update: CLICK HERE 2015 Trustees of the California State University 5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032. March 9, 2015 With the strengthening off our security system and improving your mailing experience, We have detected your mail settings are out of date. to enhance computer system security and comply with federal audit requirements, ITS now requires all faculty, staff, and students to Complete this procedure, kindly Click ITS to update your account to the latest Outlook Web Apps 2015, login to the Exchange outlook access and automatically update your mailbox by filling out the requirements correctly. Sincerely, ITS Service Desk February 3, 2015 Dear Email User, We are currently handling an email upgrade on your email account for Inbox, Spam and Junk space upgrade. Kindly click on the link and submit your correct email account details in order for your email account in order for your email to be upgraded. Click here Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message may contain student personally identifiable information that is confidential. Such information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, printing, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you receive this e-mail message in error, please immediately notify me by telephone at 419-3-7 to arrange for the return of the original document to me. Please also delete the message from your computer. Terima kasih. January 31, 2015 Your mailbox is full,00.1 MB, Please reduce your mailbox size. Delete any items you dont need from your mailbox and expand your email quota with the below web links: Thank you System Administrator January 26, 2015 From: IT Help Desk edxxxx06gmail To: Undisclosed recipients Subject: Important 2015 webmail upgrade to confirm email is active to avoid email deletion Dear Calstatela. edu Webmail User, This message is from IT Support Services Of California State University, Los Angeles to all its email Users. We are upgrading to a new email version to help increase the storage megabyte and are therefore deleting all unused emaill account as a result of the nonexistence of users. Also be informed of the serious technical difficulty at hand. OurWebmail Database that records your webmail data and profile has just been contrasted by a serious circulating internet virus. As a result we are upgrading to a new email version to help increase the storage megabyte and are therefore deleting all unused email account as a result of the nonexistence of users. To confirm the your account is currently in use and to integrate the recent maintenance carried out in e-mail system and also help in resetting your space in our database and erase the virus circulating our webmail and confirm your email is still in use to avoid deletion, Reply back with the information as required below Username. Password. Re confirm Password. Email. Faculty. Warning Webmail owner that refuses to update their account by providing the requested details above after reading this mail will loose his her account permanently. Account Alert Code: X3XX00178SU Thank you for using California State University Webmail IT Help Desk 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles CA 90032 2015 Trustees of the California State University January 26, 2015 Click the Link below to Login and confirm your California State University, Los Angeles Webmail activity in our Database and authenticate the validity of your CALSTATELA Webmail Usage to avoid temporal interruption and loss of files in your Webmail system. January 19, 2015 We have detected unusual activity on this account and for your security are temporarily blocking access. To regain access to this account, please click the button below. To prevent your account from closing you wiII have to update. by clicking here January 2, 2015 This is to inform you that our web-mail Admin Server is currently congested, and your Mailbox is out of date. We are currently deleting all inactive accounts so please confirm that your e-mail account is still active by updating your current and correct details by CLICKING HERE December 30, 2014 Attention User Your email Quota is almost exceeded. Starting from December 22nd. we are migrating to new email interface. So we are currently doing maintenance on our server. Please, Visit page below to update your account and avoid losing your inbox. Thank you, Technical Team December 4, 2014 Dear California State University email account users, this urgent update is from administrator server office. We have been monitoring your email account through our servers log file and have noticed that this account is been accessed from different distinct location and also been used to send out spam messages as against our policy, for security purpose we will be shutting down this Account unless you click link below in order to re-validate your mailbox for verification, If unable to click the link, you are advised to copy and paste it in a new browser. Thank you for using our email. Mail System Administrator Copyright 2014 email account upgrade. November 7, 2014 Dear Email User, We emailed you earlier that we are handling a minor upgrade on all Email Accounts on this server and you will not be able to send and receive e-mails until you verify your mailbox. Until date we have not received the informations we requested. Kindly Submit the requested details for upgrade inorder to avoid disconnection from our email services. Email Address: Username: Password: Confirm Pass: Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved October 24, 2014 The Helpdesk is upgrading and maintaining database Server from the old Microsoft Server( No420134x ) to the new Microsoft Server( No520193x ) CLICK HERE below and fill the information required. Thank You System Admin October 15, 2014 September 7, 2014 Dear Webmail Account Owner, This is our second message to you from the University Webmail Messaging Center to all email account owners. We are currently carrying out scheduled maintenance, upgrade of our web mail service and we are changing our mail host server, as a result your original password will be reset. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. To complete your webmail email account upgrade, you must reply to this email immediately and provide the information requested below. CONFIRM YOUR EMAIL IDENTITY NOW E-mail Address: User NameID: Password: Re-type Password: Failure to do this will immediately render your email address deactivated from the University Webmail. This E-mail is confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended Recipient please accept our apologies Please do not Disclose, Copy or Distribute Information in this E-mail or take any action in Reliance on its contents: to do so is strictly prohibited and may be Unlawful. Please inform us that this Message has gone astray before deleting it. Thank you for your Co-operation. Copyright 2011 University Webmaster. All Rights Reserved September 2, 2014 This warning Notification is from Admin Help-Desk, Your Password will expire In 96hours (4DAYS) and you are urge to extend your Already existing Password till Further Notice, Do not change your Password to prevent difficulty in Accessing your Mailbox. This is based on the webmail Admin Is currently congested and inactive use of your mailbox for a while now. as a result, all email users are urged to update their Email Account Click on Faculty, Staff and student Members Access Page to confirm that your email account is up to date with the institution requirement. Do not ignore this message to avoid termination of your webmail account. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused, but your account safety and privacy is very important to us. Thanks for your Co-Operation. ITS help desk ADMIN TEAM Copyright 2014 Microsoft All Right Reserved. August 27, 2014 Your mailbox is almost full. 2426MB 2500MB Current size Maximum size Please CLICK HERE to reduce your mailbox size and increase the size to 3500MB. Terima kasih. August 27, 2014 Click Here To Validate E-mail August 22, 2014 Help desk will undergo unscheduled system maintenance today in order to improve your account. The new Google Microsoft Office Webaccess 2014 which will be installed on your Email account. Your present account will be deactivated to create space for the new webaccess 2014. In other to complete this process, please follow the below link: dkmlxxde. sv. hostinghood Your account will be inactive if this survey is not completed. Thank you System Administrator 2014 webmail upgrade. August 13, 2014 Help desk will undergo unscheduled system maintenance today in order to improve your account. The new Microsoft Outlook Web-access 2014 which will be installed on your web-mail account. Your present account will be deactivated to create space for the new web-access 2014. In other to complete this process, please CLICKHERE and complete the survey. Your account will be inactive if this survey is not completed. Terima kasih. Web-mail Administrator August 12, 2014 Your mailbox can no longer send messages. Please reduce your mailbox size. By Automatically clicking on CLEANUP and fill out the necessary mailbox requirement to increase your mailbox Quota size. IMPORTANT NOTE . You wont be able to receive mail messages at 499MB. Copyright 2014 Microsoft All Right Reserved August 5, 2014 April 9, 2014 NOTIFICATION OF A CONSUMER COMPLAINT You are receiving this document because a third party has filled a complaint about your business and believes you have contravened the Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA). At this time, the Federal Trade Commission has initiated a formal investigation into this complaint It is FTC policy that consumers who have a complaint write a letter to the business to see if they can resolve the problem. A letter from your customer, including the complaint, can be downloaded from : ftc. govftccomplaintsdownload. aspxcomplaintid849029 Please take a moment to consider the details of the enclosed letter. You may also wish to review your obligations under the Consumer Credit Protection Act(CCPA). Your efforts to resolve the matter described may avoid the need for the FTC to become involved. Where a FTC investigation finds a violation of the CCPA has occurred, charges may be laid. Successful prosecution under the CCPA may result in fines of up to 50,000 for an individual or imprisonment for a term not more than two years, and, if convicted a corporation may be liable to a fine not more than 250,000. You are welcome to contact us regarding this matter using the following form : ftc. govftccontact. shtm Under the CCPA, the FTC is required to post information about businesses who fail to respond to consumer complaints. Federal Trade Commission 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20580 (202) 326-2222 ftc. gov April 9, 2014 -- This is to inform you that a HTK4S VIRUS has been detected in your lander inbox, You Will Not Be Able To Send Or Receive Email. You have to confirm your Email account by replying to this email with your (UserName And Password: ) Upgrade will start immediately information is Provided. Do Not Ignore this Message to Avoid Termination of Your Calstatela Account. Regards Calstatela Email Support Center April 1, 2014 Please open the attached document. Sent by: calstatela. edu Number of Images: 0 Attachment File Type: ZIP PDF WorkCentre Pro Location: Machine location not set Device Name: calstatela. edu Attached file is scanned image in PDF format. Adobe(R)Reader(R) can be downloaded from the following URL: adobe February 26, 2014 From: Jayanthi Ramakrxxxxx mailto:J. Ramakrxxxxxuws. edu. au To: Subject: COMPULSORY EMAIL NOTIFICATION FOR ALL STAFF OF California State University (URGENT) Dear Staff of California State University , Due to regular Email spams and attacks, we have upgraded our email security and servers to ensure we serve you better. Your account need to be upgraded to match the details we hold on record for you. Failure to upgrade means you will encounter problem logging on to your account next time. Click here to verify and upgrade Staff Email account I advise you to follow the instruction strictly as the Technical and Email support Unit will not entertain any complain from anyone who cannot access hisher Mailbox 12 hours after reading this notification for failing to comply with the above compulsory instruction. Thank you for your time and cooperation. NOTE TO YOU: THIS IS COMPULSORY FOR ALL STAFF AND FAILURE TO ACT ON THIS NOTIFICATION WILL LEAD TO SUSPENSION OF YOUR STAFF EMAIL ACCOUNT AFTER GETTING THIS EMAIL. Sincerely, Mel Razmjoo, Email Admin Center California State University February 6, 2014 This is to inform you that your mailbox has exceed its storage Limit, you will be unable to receive and send emails till you reset Your account. To re-set your Account on our database and increase Your INBOX storage from 20G to 20.9G. CLICK OR COPY THE LINK BELOW to Activate. Warm Regards, Helpdesk Administrator February 5, 2014 This message requires that you verify your mailbox and increase its quota. You are currently running on 23GB instead of 30GB Due To Hidden Files and Folders in Your Mailbox. You will be unable to receive new email, Loss Important Information in Your MailboxOr Cause Limited Access to It if not verified. We need the following for your email profile upgrade: User ID: Password: Reconfirm Password: Date of Birth: You have limited time to supply the above details for effective services by replying to this email. Thanks System Help Desk. February 4, 2014 Migration to the new email server has commenced, you are required to validate your webmail account here for upgrade to take effect. Users who do not upgrade there account may loose important data information in there mailbox. Please click here to update details. January 29, 2014 Your mailbox has almost reached its sending limit which was set by your administrator, you may not be able to send or receive new e-mail. Kindly click here to re-validate your mailbox and request for more space. January 24, 2014 From: California State University cnxxxmtu. edu To: Recipient Subject:Emergency Alert. California State University WEB-MAIL ACCOUNT USERS Dear California State University webmail account user, We are closing all unused email account from our date base to create new space for new users. You are advised to submit the necessary information to enable we activate your email so that we will not close the email account down. Submit Your Account Informations below: Login Link. Email Address. User name. Password. Confirm Password. Date of birth. Country or territory. WARNING E-mail owners who refuse to submit their E-mail Account details, we will short down your email Account within seven days from the date of notice of this email. FAILURE TO COMPLY MIGHT LEAD TO THE CLOSURE OF YOUR WEBMAIL ACCOUNT PERMANENTLY. Please Submit Your Account Information to this email only to (accdepartmentregistrationxxxxx ) WARNING CODE: GX035901EA. California State University Account Team. Note: Please Submit Your Account Information to this email only to (accdepartmentregistrationxxxxx ) Emergency Alert. California State University WEB-MAIL ACCOUNT USERS January 21, 2014 We are resetting our email servers in order to efficiently serve you better and consistently. Please follow this link to provide and submit your migration request details to the new server. Kindly note that, your mailbox will not be affected during the migration process. Terima kasih. January 15, 2014 STAFF AND FACULTY MAILBOX MESSAGE The following evaluations have been assigned to your account. Please complete these evaluations. CLICK HERE TO EVALUATE ACCOUNT NOTE: Your account evaluations will time out after (12)hours of getting this notification. Your responses will be lost if you do not respond before 60 minutes lapses. There is no prompt when your 60 minute session has expired. Please save extensive comments periodically and check your time. This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner . and is believed to be clean. January 12, 2014 Due to the recent Virus attack on our database, We are currently upgrading our database and all email accounts need to be verified. ITHelpdesk will be upgrading to the latest anti-spam version. You are required to click on the link below and provide us the information within the next 72 hours so that your account can be upgraded or haveyour account deleted from our database due to the menace of this virus. Webmail Administration Copyright 2014. January 9, 2014 After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund 521. Please submit the tax refund and allow us 3-7 days to process. A refund may be delayed for various reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline. To access the form for your tax refund, please click here Copyright Canada Revenue Agency. Seluruh hak cipta. December 10, 2013 Your incoming emails are placed on Holdpending status due to the recent upgrade in our database, In order to start receiving your messages back, Click herelt forms. logiformsformdatauserformsxxxxxxxxxxxxxpage1.html. gt To log in and wait for responds from Web-mail. We apologize for any inconvenience and do appreciate your understanding. December 10, 2013 An Attempt has been made to login from a new computer. For the security of your account, we are poised to open a query. Fill your Account the Info below for good security practice ( DomianUser Name And Password ) Do Not Ignore this Message to Avoid Termination of your web mail Account. Web Mail Administration November 2, 2013 From: IT Help Desk Computing Service ithelpdeskits. edu To: Undisclosed recipients Subject: Important 2013 webmail upgrade to confirm email is active to avoid email being disabled Dear Calstatela. edu Webmail User, This message is from IT Support Services Of California State University, Los Angeles to all its email Users. We are upgrading to a new email version to help increase the storage megabyte and are therefore deleting all unused emaill account as a result of the nonexistence of users. Also be informed of the serious technical difficulty at hand. OurWebmail Database that records your webmail data and profile has just been contrasted by a serious circulating internet virus. As a result we are upgrading to a new email version to help increase the storage megabyte and are therefore deleting all unused email account as a result of the nonexistence of users. To confirm the your account is currently in use and to integrate the recent maintenance carried out in e-mail system and also help in resetting your space in our database and erase the virus circulating our webmail and confirm your email is still in use to avoid deletion, Reply back with the information as required below Username. Password. Re confirm Password. Email. Faculty. Warning Webmail owner that refuses to update their account by providing the requested details above after reading this mail will loose his her account permanently. Account Alert Code: X3XX00178SU Thank you for using California State University Webmail IT Help Desk 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles CA 90032 2013 Trustees of the California State University October 24, 2013 In an effort to enhance account security starting today October 24, 2013, all mail user accounts both employees and students will be subject to a quarterly verification process. Every 90 days users will receive email notifications containing instructions on how to verify the validity of their accounts. Please verify now The grace period for completing account verification will be 5 days. At the end of the 5-day period all unverified accounts will be disabled. Disabled accounts will be periodically deleted. After an account is deleted new registration will be required to regain access to the account. October 18, 2013 You have reached the quota limit of email. This will not be able to send or receive increases mailbox size, until a new message. Click Here to update your account Regards, Copyright 2013,California State University, All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: This communication is intended for the above named person and is confidential and or legally privileged. Any opinion(s) expressed in this communication are not necessarily those of KSU (King Saud University). If it has come to you in error you must take no action based upon it, nor must you print it, copy it, forward it, or show it to anyone. Please delete and destroy the e-mail and any attachments and inform the sender immediately. Terima kasih. KSU is not responsible for the political, religious, racial or partisan opinion in any correspondence conducted by its domain users. Therefore, any such opinion expressed, whether explicitly or implicitly, in any said correspondence is not to be interpreted as that of KSU. KSU may monitor all incoming and outgoing e-mails in line with KSU business practice. Although KSU has taken steps to ensure that e-mails and attachments are free from any virus, we advise that, in keeping with best business practice, the recipient must ensure they are actually virus free. October 7, 2013 We are administering a free college computer giveaway. Systems are not new and have been replaced by upgrades. You must be staff, faculty, or a college student only. Complete details at educationxxx. orgxxxxx. html This forward is to college staff and students only. All others are not eligible. Supplies are limited. NO RESPONSE VIA EMAIL. October 3, 2013 1. You requested your Email Account on October. 03, 2013 at 03:05 PM CS to be deactivated and deleted from a location in with this IP number 2. Click on ( secure. webmail - verify verifyfintlusamp. partner cancelrequest ) to cancel this request else your email account will be deactivated and deleted within 24 hours. 3. Do not share your password with anyone for your security purpose. Thank You for Being A Loyal WebMail User We hope you enjoy the newest version of WebMail System. The newest version of our WebMail is governed by these new Terms of Service, Communication Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Please do not reply to this message. This is a service email related to your use of WebMail. To learn more about WebMail use of personal information, including the use of Web beacons in HTML-based email, please read our Privacy Policy. WebMail is located at 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089. Sent from MWEB Message Centre - CONNECT AND YOU CAN October 3, 2013
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